A Thank You and a Request

Greetings, readers! On behalf of the team here at Humane Exposures, I would like to thank all of you for all the support that you have given us, particularly during the recent launch of our newest title – Born, Not Raised: Voices From Juvenile Hall.

Your support means a lot to us. Our main goal is to make a difference, and that cannot be achieved without all of you. The broken segments of our society are often marginalized, but putting a human face to the issues can be a great motivation for change.

The narratives and photos we present are a wake up call. Their stories do not need to be so tragic, and fixing the problems is nowhere near as expensive as most people think. As a matter of fact, it is far less expensive to give them a hand up (not a handout) and help them reintegrate with society. Of course, the narratives are meaningless without those of you who are kind enough to read them. Thank you!

If you have found value in our efforts, please consider taking a few quick minutes of your time and lending us a hand. Please stop by Amazon.com and leave a review of Born, Not Raised.

Each review helps us get these stories in front of more eyes — a vitally important goal as we enter election season with all of its budgetary debates. After all, now is the time when decisions need to be made about which gets funded – incarceration or rehabilitation.

Thank you for considering it!



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