Let’s start the new year off with a great resource that I just discovered.
Juvenile Justice Matters is an online radio program produced by the Campaign for Youth Justice. The CYJ is a national organization dedicated to ending the practice of trying, sentencing and incarcerating youth under the age of 18 in the adult criminal justice system, a cause we whole-heartedly support. This radio show features experts, young people, and parents discussing juvenile justice issues.
As we strive to move forward on this issue one of our best resources is information. This show is not only a rich source of pertinent info, but it is also fantastic for bringing a multiplicity of perspectives to the table. Here are a few sample shows for you to try out, if you enjoy them share them with your friends. After all, the more of us have good data at hand the easier time we will have in trying to implement effective programs.
Let’s beging with an interview with New Orleans Judge David Bell discuss juvenile justice reform  and a model that other judges should consider when sentencing kids.
Another great example of their work is a discussion with Michael Kemp, a formerly incarcerated youth from the Washington, D.C. area. Michael is determined to turn his life around and break the vicious cycle of returning to prison. Michael was charged as an adult at the age of 17, but first ran into the system at 12.
Go browse through their old shows, they only seem to produce about one show a month but it’s well worth the wait.
Do you know of other online resources that we have not touched on as yet? If so please share them with us in the comments!
please do a show on smart meters and agenda 21. we would love to come to talk about it. Pauline Holeton Shelby twp mich 586 731 3314
Hey Pauline, we don’t put on the radio show. We were simply reporting it. If you’d like to sufpggest a topic to them try their Blog Talk Radio page.