The release is for low- or moderate-risk
Pfannenstiel said:
Prior to this bill, we actually had a statute in place allowing certain groups of inmates to serve their sentences in the community,” “We wanted to expand it so those who complete appropriate parenting classes and have guardianship over minor children at home might be considered for finishing their sentences in the community.
The DOC has not actually used the previous early release mechanism, though it has been in place more than a yea. Still, they proposed the expansion after learning of a similar program in the state of Washington. “It this point, we have the policy in place,” Pfannenstiel said. “As we carry it out, we’ll look to see who fits it.”
The Senate conference committee amended the original proposal to restrict it to those serving sentences for severity level 4 or lower crimes on the state sentencing grid, or severity level 3 to 5 drug crimes. To qualify, offenders can have no convictions for sex offenses or an “inherently dangerous felony.”
The committee, however, also removed a requirement for GPS tracking and allowed parole officers, as opposed to Community Corrections officers, to supervise the offenders.
The law requires participating inmates complete a parenting class, but it does not specify any specific program.
“It will depend on what their needs are,” Pfannenstiel said, noting the DOC offers some classes, but it may include programs taught by volunteers or others within the community.
Prior to a determination for release, the KDOC will seek information from the Department of Children and Families about any civil Child in Need of Care cases filed on the offender “to determine the best interests of the child.”
The state must also approve the offender’s residence and living arrangements prior to a transfer.
“DCF’s input would be provided on a case-by-case basis, and would be determined by the facts and circumstances of individual cases,” said DCF spokesperson Theresa Freed. The agency declined to offer additional comment on the program.
The Secretary of Corrections retains authority to return an offender to prison if they fail to comply with requirements of the release.