We have a huge amount of respect for the National Juvenile Justice Network and the work that they do, so we are quite flattered that they have decided to feature one of the one of the personal narratives from Born, Not Raised in the Youth Stories section of their website!
‘It’s been six months and almost eight hours and I’m getting tired of this place.’ Hui (girl), age 15.
The NJJN is a fantastic organization that provides information and tools to groups across the U.S. that are working on vital issues such as reducing the level of racial disparity in the juvenile justice system, helping create community-based alternatives to incarceration, and improving aftercare and reentry. As you can see, we have a lot of overlap with them in our approach and philosophy.
If you’re involved with a local organization that deals with juvenile justice, you should check out the NJJN, they can not only broaden your network, but they can also greatly increase the array of tools you have at hand with which to work for change.
In closing, here is the description from their website’s About page:
The National Juvenile Justice Network exists to support and enhance the work of state-based groups to promote the reform of America’s critically flawed juvenile justice system at every level.
Through education, community-building and leadership development, NJJN enhances the capacity of juvenile justice coalitions and organizations in 33 states to press for state and federal laws, policies and practices that are fair, equitable and developmentally appropriate for all children, youth and families involved in, or at risk of becoming involved in, the justice system.
We seek to return the U.S. to the core ideals that led to the formation of the juvenile court more than 100 years ago, when our country realized that youth are fundamentally and categorically different than adults.